
Spring into you!

Easter. Spring. The time for renewal and rebirth. A perfect time for you to rediscover who you are and what you want out of life.

It’s awfully easy to immerse yourself in your relationship, profession, or find yourself only focusing on your role as a parent.  You are definitely not alone and NOT doomed to a life of always ‘giving’ to others without a thought for yourself.

You may have hit a plateau but all growth has moments where forward momentum stops. Even the knowledge that you ARE a bit stuck is evidence of your self-awareness and ability to move forward.

You already have all the knowledge you need to move forward: all it takes is a little digging to uncover the truth. Think of uncovering your purpose like being a sculptor, carefully tapping away the stone to reveal the true masterpiece that lies underneath

The secret to rediscovering yourself is diving into the deeper essences of who you are. Only then can you begin to put together the puzzle of your purpose.

Focusing on yourself (or “finding” yourself) may sound like a seriously self-centered goal, but it is actually an unselfish journey that is the foundation for all that we can be in life. In order to be a truly valuable person to the world around us (the best partner, employee, parent) we have to come to know what we value, what we have to offer, and who we are.

“Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.” ~ Osho

Stop waiting for others to discover you.  Spend time on discovering yourself first!  Who are you, what do you enjoy, what do you fear, what do you love, how will you grow?  Take a class, take up a hobby, start a journal, find inner peace through your spirituality, remember what you love to do and go do it! Expand your comfort zone by doing new things and meeting new people. It may be terrifying but it’s also exhilarating! Stretch yourself.

Loving the skin you’re in is a lifelong journey! Keep discovering!