
Me, My Time and I

Work life balancing actI used to write almost every day, then I ‘bumped’ into my husband and our worlds collided into unexpected explosions of joy, happiness, challenges, facing my own mirror, questioning my faith, my relationship ability, how I brought up my daughter, my status within my ‘career’ and all the time wondering ‘how did I get here?!’.

So when it was suggested that I could contribute to such a woman of substance online magazine, I jumped at the chance to rekindle that love. Then I read more of the articles and thought, they already have some amazing writers and how on earth am I going to fit writing in with running businesses 24/7, a of staff, husband, grown adult children (totally different set of issues!), family who I just about keep up with, what says friends? There in my head laid my first script. Time Management – not for the faint hearted!

Women are phenomenal aren’t we?! How do we manage to juggle everything or do we? Someone once told me “yes you CAN have it all just not all, ALL at the same time”. So if you have an amazing career maybe you sacrificed something else for it or if you have the flexibility to just travel, maybe you sacrificed time with the kids or had no kids. If you live the single care free lifestyle where you don’t have to tell anyone where you are going or who with, you have to give up these rules when you are with someone as it’s time for togetherness and compromise.

Lesson here…enjoy every phase of life as its guaranteed to change.

We all have the same 24 hours in the day, so why is it that some seem to be able to fit in more and not just more (as doing more doesn’t necessarily mean moving any faster) but seem to get further ahead? How do you use your 24 hours? No honestly, how do you use them in an average week? Do you have time for you? Time to just breathe deeply for your 10mins ‘I am present’ moment? Time for the people most important in your life? If unsure I dare you to map it out and you’ll start to see a pattern which will tell you individually what you can and can’t change to ‘see’ more hours every day.

When was the last time you said ‘No’ to something or someone when you knew it was not for you anymore, especially if it/they always depletes you rather than lifts you up? Or…when was the last time you said ‘Yes’ to what you know you need? Here, needs are not necessarily just a roof over our head, more money, love, friends but to look to fulfill some of our core needs such as sense of belonging; sense of worth; sharing; feeling loved. Sometimes we rely on other people too much and put a lot of pressure on them to supply what we are looking for when most of the time we can initiate, create, change our life to bring in and attract what we need ourselves.

If something is not working for you, change it or change your mind (thoughts) about it.

[quote_box_center author=”Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results -Einstein”][/quote_box_center]

I’m always learning how to say ‘no’ and ‘yes’ when it really matters to claim some time back from the ‘time stealers’ in order to manage everything and now…. ‘yes’, including writing!

What will you now do with your 24 hours a day?