
Introducing Anu Paavola, food and nutrition expert

Anu Paavola

Anu Paavola

Whether a change in hair style, a new pair of shoes, a meal out, or time alone with your loved one, we all want to and NEED to feel fabulous. Perhaps this feeling is no longer a priority because the daily routine of life has taken over and you’ve found yourself at the bottom of the list!

Just one afternoon at the Jivita Ayurveda Spa will be the commencement of repositioning the routine tasks of life.

The atmosphere is calming, the treatments rejuvenating, but most importantly you’ll have time to focus on the most important person in your life – YOU!

The spa was founded by Finnish-born Anu Paavola, who lives an extremely healthy lifestyle and has turned her passion into her business.

Anu will be a regular Feeling Fab contributor, offering food and nutrition features and beauty treatments which will be the start of a new you.

About Anu

Anu Paavola

In 2008 Anu qualified as a practitioner of ayurvedic medicine (B.Sc. Hons, MAPA) in London.

She gained plenty of practical experience through working in India in two ayurvedic hospitals and a private clinic of her teacher in the state of Karnataka.

In addition to diagnosing disease and designing a line of treatment, she is proficient in all the ayurvedic therapies including different massage techniques, pancakarma and shirodhara.

Anu came to Ayurveda through her yoga practice. After over ten years of practising and eventually learning to teach Ashtanga yoga she followed her interest also in other styles of yoga and qualified as a Shivananda style yoga teacher in 2009.

The passion for the trade for Anu comes from the joy of adventure that she experiences with her clients. Her goal is to give them a greater understanding of their bodies and minds and how to tune in with the world, inside and outside.dutch english translator