From ‘Acts of Faith’ to ‘Peace from Broken Pieces’, it’s no secret that when I picked up the book entitled ‘Acts of Faith’ a literally revolution began.
I had recently come out of a strained and very negative relationship and quite frankly thought I was going to go mad because I forgot myself, and became a clone of what the man involved wanted me to be.
True friends come along at just the right time, and that’s what happened. An old school friend who had left the UK and lived in Atlanta just called me out of the blue “Angie, what’s going on? I’m feeling you”. I started talking, talking so much she couldn’t get a word in. Once I did draw for breath, and gave her the chance to speak, she said she’d send me a ticket so that I could visit her. So said, so done. True friends are just so amazing.
Off I went to Heathrow with just my hand bag, no hand luggage, no suitcase. I was in a bad place!! Naturally Security had ideas; one passenger, long haul flight, no luggage! Needless to say the search was on! Once they realised that I was just dog tired, emotionally drained and very unhappy they let me through, I boarded the flight and cried all the way to Atlanta.
I spent 3 days in a room with the curtains closed, in the dark, crying and torturing myself, and my colleague left me to cry!! Day 4 she’d had enough, dragged me out of her spare room, showered me, took me shopping, got my hair done and I looked like a new woman. Over the next few days she kept impressing on me that I had been “set free” from the relationship and it was probably the best thing that had happened to me.
The day I was due to leave Atlanta – looking real good and feeling a little better – she had to go to court (she’s a Lawyer, not a convict!), so sent me on my way, advised me to buy a book to read on the plane home and not shed another tear. The yellow cab dropped me to the airport and en route I stopped at a book store and this beautiful purple book caught my eye. I picked it up, flicked through the pages and it was as if a gust of wind blew the book out of my hands. When I picked the book up, it naturally opened on 11th August which is the page that is entitled ‘Would You Marry You’ woah. I was rooted to the floor, couldn’t move, completely stuck where I was.
There was the answer to my prayers.
- I was free and didn’t even realise it
- I was imperfect and was about to palm myself off onto someone as equally imperfect and was looking for happiness and perfection in return
- I read the book from cover to cover on the journey home, didn’t shed another tear, and shared my little piece of literally inspiration with the audience of the radio station I was broadcasting for at the time.
Lessons learned from ‘Acts of Faith’, page headed 11th August:
- No physical person on this earth can love you like you.
- No physical person should be placed above you to make you feel good about yourself. They are human just like you.
- Believe in your value and don’t rely on any “one” or any “thing” to position you.
- God has already positioned you highly – warts and all.
Have you read ‘Acts of Faith’? I would love to know your thoughts!