
Amazing EFA’s


During the glorious British summer time, the weather is completely unpredictable, meaning that the inevitable happens; you get those irritating little sniffs and coughs that last for entire duration of the summer, coming and going because time after time you get caught out in unforeseen passing showers (of pitiful drizzle).

Read on to find out how the Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) Omega 3 can help you to maintain good health, allowing you to actually enjoy the remaining days of summer.

cod liver oilWhat is Omega 3?

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) like Omega 3 (yes that disgusting stuff your mother use to force down you), are important fats that help to maintain good health. However they are not produced in significant quantity- if at all- by us, so they must come from our diet. They are also forms of polyunsaturated fats (the good kind of fat), therefore are also beneficial for our well-being.

The good kind of fat

Fat has been given the cold shoulder in the past, where low fat or fat free meals were advocated for better health and to help reduce weight. However, with research we have become more knowledgeable and realise that there are some fats which are beneficial to our health and wellbeing. Omega 3 is the type of polyunsaturated fat that you do want to incorporate into your diet. There several types of fatty acids in Omega 3, but two of the main ones, EPA and DHA can be found in fish. ALA, which is another important component of Omega-3 is derived from plant sources like nuts and seeds.
Benefits of Omega 3

Omega 3 acts as an anti- inflammatory and helps to boost your immune system meaning that it may help to prevent you from catching dreaded colds, coughs and sniffles. Notably, if you already have the cold, it may also help to reduce your symptoms and shorten the duration.

Taking Omega 3 may also help to lessen joint pain as it actually acts as a lubricant for our joints, helping to keep them supple, and aiding our mobility. They are thought to even benefit arthritis sufferers by helping to reduce inflammation in the joints, whilst lubricating them, meaning that stiffness and pain may be reduced.

Omega 3 is also thought to be great for your heart because it may help to reduce the risk of Cardiac arrest by lowering triglyceride levels. Decreasing your chances of having a stroke and reducing your cholesterol are other benefits that are also associated with it.

So the next time you see the word ‘OMEGA 3’ or ‘Cod Liver Oil’ don’t heave or run away… swallow it down and remember ‘mother knows best’