
The importance of fathers

There’s nothing in the world more important than a good father, especially in a world where so many men are absent. It seems that our society has gotten used to giving all men a bad rap for the absentee fathers out there that we forget to give thanks and praise to the good men who actually EMBRACE being a Dad!

We start seeing adverts for Mother’s Day MONTHS beforehand. So much goes into letting Mothers know how much they’re appreciated, as it should be. But why isn’t the same true for Father’s Day? Men are used to taking care of business silently, almost as an expectation. Yet, they work hard for us, many times with no thanks at all. So in light of this and to celebrate Father’s Day… Dads? This one’s for you!  

Ever notice when people are accepting awards or making speeches they always thank their Moms. Now don’t get me wrong. Moms are awesome. Goodness, I’m a Mom and my girls make sure I know that I’m awesome. But there is something about Dads that is just so special. That male energy is vital to the balance of life.

It doesn’t necessarily mean biological father either. Mentors, teachers, uncles, family friends, the men in our children’s lives are IMPORTANT. You don’t always get a Dad in a conventional way!

Fathers are IMPORTANT TOO! 

The absence or inclusion of the Father in a child’s life will have great far-reaching effects on that child’s psyche –  and there’s a lot of great men who are being great father’s EVERYDAY and contributing IMMENSELY to their child’s mental and emotional progression – Who go virtually unnoticed everyday – and that’s a SHAME.

“Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections.

The way fathers play with their children also has an important impact on a child’s emotional and social development. Fathers spend a higher percentage of their one-to-one interactions with infants and preschoolers in stimulating, playful activity than do mothers. From these interactions, children learn how to regulate their feelings and behavior.

Children with involved, caring fathers have better educational outcomes. The influence of a father’s involvement extends into adolescence and young adulthood. Numerous studies find that an active and nurturing style of fathering is associated with better verbal skills, intellectual functioning, and academic achievement among adolescents.”

A child’s relationship with his/her father can affect the child’s relationships their entire lives. The interactions with Dad will be shape a child’s ideas of who he or she is and how he or she relates to everyone around them. He shapes the range of what your child considers acceptable and loving. Girls will relate to men based on the relationship with her Dad and boys will model themselves after their fathers.

Father Figures

I just saw this Dove campaign called “There to Care,” and it pays homage to all the “dads” in our kids’ lives even if they might not officially be fathers. Uncles, neighbours, brothers, coaches, teachers, friends, partners…you name it. They’re all “dads” in one way or another.

Modern families are often forging new ground when it comes to roles and responsibilities. Dads may not be able to look to their own fathers for a model of how to balance work and home life. Three-quarters say they’re more involved with the kids than their own fathers were.

To all the men who take care of the kids and get overjoyed being able to tell even random strangers about how great their kids are… I salute you.

For all the men who support their families with long arduous work hours, a hellish-commute and staying committed to a job they are underpaid and overworked at – yet come home and NEVER complain about doing it, because they LOVE supporting their children… You are amazing!

To all the men who have their children RIPPED from them, and who have to spend hours in court just to win the right to be able to see their child – a right which they will NEVER give up… I admire your strength and commitment to your children.

For all the men who plan their kids birthday parties and celebrations, get their kids to treat mommy to whatever she wants on Mother’s day, and who are somewhat ignored on Father’s day, because this day just doesn’t get the love that Mother’s day and other days get… We see you!

But more importantly a great big shout out to all the fathers, who are GREAT fathers, everyday and will continue to do so whether they are formally recognised or not. Father’s you are LOVED, APPRECIATED and RESPECTED more than you know and more than is shown.

Some people have fathers. Some have father figures. Amazing men who weren’t in the room when we were born, but who help us discover who we’re meant to become. They’re like the earth. A strong foundation under our feet, rich in character, with depth of heart, strong enough to support mountains and soft enough to nurture seeds. To ALL the ‘Dads’ out there – we see you and we appreciate you and HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

Do you have stories to share about your Dad or a Father Figure who changed your life? I’d love to hear about it – come share with me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.