
How to Get Rid of Acne


Every person who suffers from acne wants to know the same thing: how to get rid of it. Acne can detract from the natural beauty of your skin and it can be a horrible thing to deal with whether you are in your teens or in adulthood. You have enough to worry about with all of the things that you have to worry about at work or school, when you throw acne into the mix as well it can make best acne treatments that will clear your skin and prevent future your day that much more stressful to deal with. If you have acne prone skin, keep reading for the breakouts.

1. Limit the amount of fatty processed and dairy that you intake

Your skin is a reflection of the inside of your body. The cells that make up your skin can only be as healthy as the properties that they are made of. If you fill your body with things that are unhealthy it’s going to show. It may not be what you want to hear but if you want to change the state of your skin for the long term you need to change the way that you are eating.

• Kick you sugar and high fat food cravings to the curb – Studies have suggested that foods that are high in processed fat and sugar may speed up the production of oil. While oil production in the skin is healthy and our bodies way of excreting dead skin and keeping pores clear, an excess of oil can lead to acne. Filling your diet with foods that low in fat and high in healthy properties may eliminate the overproduction of oil.

• Don’t overdo it on dairy – Diary is also something that you should try and steer clear of or cut down on if you have acne prone skin. Cows that produce milk for mass consumption are pumped with hormones to keep them producing milk year round. Your body may already be prone to acne because of the many hormones that are milling about in your body, adding these hormones to the mix can cause even more of a negative reaction.

2. Practice safe hygiene habits

When you have acne you should be extremely aware of everything that your touches. Do not touch your face with dirty throughout the day. Change your pillowcase every single night to prevent the spread of acne causing bacteria and oil to other parts of your face. You should also be washing your makeup brushes after every single use. If your skin gets oily throughout the day use blotting pads to soak up the excess oil instead of your hands. While your active acne is healing you should eliminate the threat of causing more breakouts.

3. Chill out

If you have acne, stress is not your friend. However having acne can cause a vicious cycle. When you get a breakout you stress over it and the stress causes more acne. You have to learn to let go of stress and balance your inner self if you want your skin to heal.

You may be wondering how stress causes acne. Here’s how, when you become stressed, your hormones become unbalanced and your skin can suffer even more than it already may be. Having acne can be truly awful for your self-confidence. But just remember that everyone worries about their appearance. We all worry much more about ourselves than what other people look like. Every single person has struggled with their image at some point in their lives just train yourself to not spend time stressing about it.
Find something that brings joy to your life and helps you bring peace and calmness into your world every single day. You may need to take ten minutes to meditate in the morning, play a silly game on your phone, or go for an evening run. Just find something fun and spend your energy doing that instead of worrying uselessly about your outer self.

4. Add an acne targeting treatment to your skin care regimen

A crucial part of treating acne is to find a daily treatment that is effective for acne prone skin. You need to make sure that you are providing your skin with a treatment that will fight existing acne and guard your skin again future breakouts twice a day every day after you cleanse and before you moisturize. You need to find a product that will fight bacteria and keep your pores open and clean, without drying your skin out.
Zeroblem acne solution from Solvaderm Skincare meets all of these requirements. It is a professional grade product that gently pulls dirt and oil out of the pores to stop breakouts from forming, it also delivers botanicals that soothe active breakouts and reduce inflammation.

Author Bio
Kathy Mitchell was born and raised in USA. She has done MA in English literature and she loves to write articles on health and beauty. She is loves to read daily online magazine on health and beauty. Also she is contributing to consumer health digest since 2011.Her articles are both professional and creative. You can contact her on Facebook and twitter.