
Soul Destroying Fat Letters

Should schools be in charge of telling parents how to raise their children?

Went out power walking as I try to do most mornings, came back to my mug of hot water and a slice of lemon and turned the TV on.  I would normally AirPlay my iPad through the TV and listen to a playlist via YouTube or watch an American TV show that hasn’t landed in the UK yet (shh), but I think on this particular morning I was supposed to see this news report…

Teachers were sending fat letters home to parents who were shocked to open them and find that these letters had nothing to do with their child’s educational or academic progress, the letter wasn’t even about behaviour, but about the child’s weight!!!!
I’m confused, are teachers now being given medical authority over children in schools? Isn’t self esteem knocked enough via increased bullying which goes unnoticed?  Passion for teaching and the vocation or calling to lay the foundation for children’s education is decreasing. Teaching now just seems to be a job and anything goes.

There could be countless reasons behind weight issues whether over or under weight.  Perhaps one first step is the examine the food options available for school dinners!

Even if your child is overweight and the school is concerned, the first point of dialogue to break the ice should be verbal – not written. Have you received a letter? Tell me what you think in the comments section below!