The Coronavirus pandemic has taken stress and depression to a different level as we fight with the emotions of how to deal with the unknown. Working out how to cope with suddenly losing a loved one, not being able to visit them in their last days, not being able to pay our respects, it’s all too much. And there’s the not knowing whether we are carrying the virus ourselves.

All this emotional overload needs calming down and there are many choices; drink, drugs, excessive exercise, emotional eating etc., but will these actions gives us the results we need? I’m all for talking alternative remedies and had a chat with Sarita Davis of Healing Bach Flowers, about her experience.
I had experienced quite a lot of trauma from a very young age and first came across The Remedies in 2008 following another death in my family. At the time I was running a very busy and successful doggy day care and over night boarding service. Whilst walking through the fields with my well trained but lively pack of charges, I was listening to a talk radio show. A lady rang in to discuss how she got through a stressful time in her life using ‘Flower Remedies’. Having always had a keen interest in all things natural, my ears pricked up and l listened intently to the caller’s story. I was fascinated as to how ‘little drops of water and flower life’ could make someone feel better. So, later that evening I looked up these ‘Flower Remedies’ and although I was extremely skeptical, I booked myself and my mother on the Level 1 course at Nelsons, in Central London.

That weekend took us on a very interesting emotional journey and my thirst for learning more about how these remedies could help everyone I knew, including myself, grew and grew. I purchased the complete set so that I could try them out on myself and the rest, as they say, is history. After a few more life-changing challenges, I completed Levels 2 and 3 of my training and became a fully qualified Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner.
What are Bach Flower Remedies?

Dr Edward Bach found that by using ‘essences’ (the vibrational life force/energy) of flowers found in the English and Welsh countryside, balance and harmony to one’s emotions/mental health could be gained, making every day life easier to cope with.
Once a person’s emotional/mental health was rebalanced, Dr Edward Bach (a Harley Street doctor and bacteriologist) saw the physical state improve. He also found that recovery from illnesses would speed up, health would be easier to maintain and overall a person would experience general well being.
These remedies have helped me with numerous emotions including fears, anxieties, worries, shock, sorrow, bereavement, trauma, poor self-image, depression and more!

The remedies are 100% natural, containing the life force or ‘vibrational energy’ of each flower or plant, spring water and a small amount of alcohol for preservation. Alcohol-free versions, are also available. These small drops of joy and sunshine, I’m convinced have kept me balanced during the whole Coronavirus experience.
If you’ve found Sarita’s experience of interest and would like to get in touch, head to