
Body consciousness

OK, so I’ve completed eating plans before, achieved my desired goal, started eating my luxury food again and ballooned – hey I’m only human!!

I’m not going to knock any eating plan or weight loss system.  If you’re a lover of Weight Watchers, you go for it.  If something more like Lighter Life is along the lines of what you like and you can handle a liquid nuitrition plan for how ever long it takes for you to reach your target then go down that route.

I was going swimming with my girls one Saturday afternoon and caught site of myself in a full length mirror in the changing rooms at the health club and thought “bloody hell, who is that woman? And what is that behind her”.  I just didn’t see the weight going back on – love that mirror though!  A light bulb went on in my head and I saw my bottom, in fact I saw a little too much of it!!  There was no more room for excuses, actually there was no more room in my beautiful shocking pink Tankini(!), so I’ve now hit the streets every morning and I’m power walking.  Monday through Friday at 6.30am I get up, put on my trainers, hat, gloves, and puffer jacket and I’m out that front door.  The iPhone is set to an upbeat playlist and I just walk in time to the rhythm of the music.  It clears my head, gives me energy I never knew I had and I can feel the endorphins releasing by the time I get home.  It really is the best way to start the day.

As for the food, it’s vegetables (which make great soups if I feel like liquidising) and I’m experimenting with vegetables like Curly Kale which is a good speed food; and fruit galore when I feel peckish instead of crisps.  White meat such as chicken or turkey with all skin removed, white fish and also oily fish has also been increased in my diet. I do love a pork chop, well actually I prefer should steaks so I just remove as much visible fat as possible.

Being forty plus – and Feeling Fab – your body really doesn’t do what you ask it to first time.  I’ve embraced the fact that I’m not 25, I may feel it and I may even act it sometimes, but I am forty plus and am loving it.  There’s just a little extra work that needs to be done to maintain the body.  I’ve found the only way to really take control of weight management is to burn fat!!  It’s simple, if you’re going to eat, you’ve got to burn it off, there really is no miracle pill, potion or regime.  Good old fashioned exercise to get the heart rate going, it doesn’t have to be a full body work out in the gym, just walking to start.  The fresh air first thing in the morning clears you head too and sets you up for the day.

I’ll keep you up to date with the progress.




 danish english translation