
Recipe: Grilled Salmon Fillets

… in a Veggie Fruit Medley & Watercress

Happy March! So if you enjoy eating fish like me, especially Salmon… this recipe is sure to be a winner in your home… My children love the fish too.

For this simple recipe, you need….

  • Salmon Fillets (cleaned)
  • Carrots (chopped)
  • Some fresh broccoli (chopped)
  • Some asparagus
  • Rapeseed oil
  • 1 small red onion (finely chopped)
  • ½ medium size orange
  • ½ scotch bonnet pepper for added heat (optional)
  • Herbs, Spices and Seasoning: 1 clove garlic, small ginger (crushed), few fennel seeds, few fresh thyme, 1 tsp. curry powder-mild or medium, 1 tsp. tarragon, few fresh parsley, black pepper (dash), white pepper (dash), little squeeze of fresh lemon and sea salt to taste

TIP: You can use a selection of your family favourite vegetables


In a bowl, season fish using the herbs, spices, and seasoning mentioned above. Leave to a side.

Season vegetables with parsley, dash of rapeseed oil, fresh thyme, little water and place in the microwave for about two just to soften a little. Remove, drain and leave to stand.

In a heated pan, add 1 tsp of rapeseed oil. Then add the onions, garlic and ginger sautéed for about 2 minutes.

Add the seasoned fish, vegetables, dash of curry powder and sea salt stirring frequently for about 2-3 minutes to begin to soften. Add a little warm water. Drizzle of the fresh orange (you can leave the orange in there as well), ½ scotch bonnet, drizzle rapeseed oil, squeeze of fresh lemon. Allow to simmer for 5 minutes


Finally, drizzle oven tray with 1 tsp. rapeseed oil, then lay the fish, vegetables and orange, drizzle black pepper and little sea salt if needed. Grilled for 10mins in a pre- heated oven at 180 degrees.

Garnish with watercress and olive oil/ lemon/ chill dressing


Great with steamed rice…. J

Ready to enjoy the beautiful flavours 🙂

Happy spicing and cooking!

Blessings and love