
Relaxing Foot Spa and Treatment Competition


spaYour feet are an extremely important part of your body, they carry you everywhere you go, they help to keep you grounded and standing strong, so they deserve TLC.

In the Summer we pay more attention to our feet and enjoy difference ranges of footwear that allows us to display our feet, but as winter starts to draw near, things change!

Ladies love their heels, but periodically we should wear flats to give our soles a rest.

Feeling Fab’s Anu Paavola is offering a beautiful foot spa and treatment package in this pre-Christmas Feeling Fab competition.

A very simple multiple choice question needs to be answered and as we women do love our shoes, it’s a shoe related question. Get it right and if you are picked from the list of correct entries the prize is yours.

The soles of Christian Louboutin shoes are traditionally which colour:

 a)    Green                                        b) Blue                                                        c) Red

Email: [email protected] leaving your answer, name and contact number.

Best of Luck               

Angie x

The competition closes on Tuesday 9th December at 6pm and the winner will be informed via email or telephone by 8pm Tuesday evening and announced in our mailer on Wednesday 10th December. We must receive your name, address and contact number for your entry to be valid.