
Transform your life: Take a tip from Rasheed Ogunlaru

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Rasheed Ogunlaru

In his first post for Feeling Fab, Rasheed Ogunlaru lifts the lid on how to change your life by changing the way you think.

Rasheed is a leading life and business coach, motivational speaker and author of a range of inspiring books, videos and downloadable talks.

Ever wondered why some people flourish and love life while others are stressed out and stagnant?

Well the answer is not just down to things like money, background and environment. While these can play a part, adopting a healthy attitude and approach can quite literally transform your happiness and fortunes.

Passive to proactive

Opportunity is unlikely to come looking for you. You need to go in search for it.

People who we call ‘lucky’ are actually usually those who create opportunities, prepare for them, spot them and are ready for them – while the others are still asleep.

Now is the time to take responsibility for yourself, your wellbeing, your career, your children and your loved ones. Your life will blossom in a few seasons but only when you start planting seeds. Get involved at home, work and in any area where you have an interest.

Negative to positive

Opposites attract, but in terms of success and happiness, like attracts like. If you’ve got a negative outlook, lifestyle and mindset you’ll attract those things into your life. If you spend your time talking about stress, heartache and problems you’re adding fuel to the fire.

Put the fire out.

Be positive about your strengths and those of others. Stop consuming a diet of negative programmes, media and gossip and start moving to what you do want in life. Give yourself and others positive input and feedback.

Problem to solution

At the start of a session, a client told me about a long row she’d just had with her bank. As she recalled what happened I pointed out that she had focused the entire conversation on the problem with her bank and didn’t focus on the solution she wanted.

You too may be spending 90% of your time dwelling on a problem and 10% looking working on a solution. Switch this percentage around. Your mind is made to figure stuff out, but like any computer it needs clear instructions in order to make this happen

Concern to influence

Another client of mine said the best thing she had learned was focusing on her area of influence rather than her area of concern.

You may be concerned about the economy, environment and society. Fine but what can you influence?

Start by managing your budget, saving energy in your home and get your relationships in order. Changing the world can only happen once you start taking care of yours.

Take an interest

Life is a two-way street. Why should anybody care about you unless you care about them?

When I give talks I’m often asked what tips I’d share. The first thing I share is to ‘be yourself and believe in yourself’. Then I say “be genuinely interested in everyone you meet”.

Once you do this they will take a genuine interest in you and your life will become rich and fulfilling.

Live by heart

Trust your instincts. There’ll be times when your mind has the answers.

Too often we neglect our deeper knowledge. Call it spirit, God, intuition or love. It is what it is to you.

Trust yourself and live with love from the heart.

For more motivational advice join @RasheedOgunlaru on Twitter and follow him on Facebook and YouTube