
Winter Wonderland Hyde Park

Now I know last week I was adamant that we not go too overboard financially this Christmas, and I must say I’ve been very good, I’ve set aside a small fund which I’ll probably add a little to at the end of this month when I go do to my shopping.  YES I am going to do the shopping at the end of November – I’ll let you know how I get on.

Even though I am officially off work this week, I just HAD to go to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park this evening, my excuse was that the girls wanted to go!!!  It was great.  The arts and crafts, the togetherness, the family fun, the ice skating, the rides, the mulled wine and we even enjoyed a Caribbean Winter Paradise – how Caribbean and Winter snow go hand in hand I don’t know, but it worked!  Christmas songs including of course Darlene Love and Walking in the Winter Wonderland, I got that Christmas “feel” – you know the one?  Can’t put it into words but just a warmth that I always get, before I start spending money I don’t have.

It’s such a lovely little town nestled in Hyde Park, and I’ll be going back again.