Who you gonna call? I love that they’re making a reboot of this movie with an all female cast. And, of course as seems to be the norm these days, there’s controversy. (Big surprise right?) This time it centers around Leslie Jones and her character in the new Ghostbusters flick. Causing a twitter storm and cries against stereotyping, I believe Leslie handled this with dignity and grace. Read on…
OMG ITS “the power of petty compels you” GEEEEZ can not hear!! That don’t eve sound like pain. https://t.co/GvhSCNo0r5
ā Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) March 3, 2016
@ndreajohnson@Lesdoggg the average science professor makes $58,000 a year while the average for a MTA employee is at @81,000 ā Michael Jeffcoat (@M_Jeffcoat84) March 5, 2016
As Mic points out, while black women are the most underrepresented demographic in STEM careers, that doesn’t mean women who work for the MTA (41% are black and 17% have either a college degree or more) aren’t also worthy of humanizing representation in mainstream media. And while Jones as a scientist had the potential to be a big leap forward for media representation of WOC, she in no way thinks of her own role as menial; as evidenced by her tweets. ITS NOT A MAN, WOMAN, RACE, CLASS THANG!! ITS A GHOSTBUSTER THANG!! AND AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED WE ALL GHOSTBUSTERS!! STAND TALL!! ā Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) March 4, 2016
Regular People save the world everyday so if I’m the sterotype!! Then so be it!! We walk among Heroes and take them for granted. ā Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) March 4, 2016
I’m playing a hardworking woman.The regular one that rep the people. You guys are the racists by labeling her a lowly MTA worker.Not me ā Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) March 7, 2016
Leslie tweeted a letter she received from MTA worker and comedian Joanna Briley,
I received this from a MTA worker: Hey Leslie, thanks for being you. A question was asked by a news writer about your role on your new movie black actresses. This was my response:
I work for the MTA in that role as a Token Boof Clerk and I was happy to see my job, something which provides me with plenty of jokes, a great perspective on society, and a birds eye view of horrible shit that I witness everyday on screen. (I wished Leslie would have hooked me up…a joke) however, the fact that my position as a clerk is the most abused by society, I feel this may give us a semblance of humanness.
That’s what I attempted in my one woman show “Swipe This! My Life in Transit” That glass in the boof have folk thinking I’m invisible, that I’m not a college graduate, and a producer, comedian, writer, actor, etc. I’m a verb. I’m not a college graduate, and a producer, comedian, writer, actor, etc. I’m a verb. I’m not a miserable, neck-rolling, stereotype in civil service. I love my job and I enjoy engaging people with information infused with humor.
Leslie is a comedian. She’s a larger than life personality and it’s the first thing we see no matter what role she gets. As she grows, she will be able to tap into all her greatness. I am supporting this movie because I see me.
I hope you receive all that’s for you. You looked so cute in the uniform. Congrats Sis. I’m proud of you. Kick ass.
As an article in Mic points out, black women are the most marginalized group in STEM careers, it doesn’t mean women who work for the MTA (17% have a college degree and 41% are black) shouldn’t be represented in the media. And while the opportunity for Jones to play a role as a scientist had the probability of being a huge step in how women of color are represented in the media, she in no way thinks of her own role as inferior; as you can easily see from her messages on social media.