The last few months for me on a work tip have been crazy, my mind was moving at 75mph as I contemplated a job offer which would mean leaving Magic. Having discussed this with my Management (who were so gracious) I knew that ultimately the decision had to be mine.
So after 14 years and a few tears I said goodbye to my Magic family last week.
After my show on Thursday, we gathered for a few words and it was so hard to hold back the tears as I entered the company’s film studio.

From Lemar to Shalamar (and thanks so much for the cake guys), even my 2 eldest school friends, and my Angels, it was a full house and we were buzzing.

The now famous Magic Window saw lots of visitors last week and especially on Friday.

Thanks for the prezzies, the book of memories, the flowers and the special gift from Liberty which is a secret.

Friday was very emotional. I can’t listen again but if you want to hear my last link here it is.
And finally… a MASSIVE THANK YOU to the Magic/Bauer Management, fellow presenters, producers and production staff and listeners for making every day Magic.