
Luxury Zoeva Brush Review

Absolutely love my Luxury Zoeva make up brushes. They are super affordable for Luxury Make Up Brushes (key word *Luxury*) and absolutely positively amazing! I wasn’t sure how I was going to like then considering I only heard about them through my daughters. Seeing as last week we talked about blush and highlighters, I thought it would be fitting to review what to apply them with!

I suppose having teenage daughters has really forced me to develop and explore the art of make up application and the girls have “demanded” that I don’t go down the road of become lazy in this area because I’m a woman of a certain age.  I’ve got so many brushes it’s unbelievable, but this feature is on the Zoeva brushes that the girls bought me.



Believe it or not, I once considered makeup brushes to be too fussy. I used to just use my fingers to apply my products. But as I started experimenting more with bronzers, blushes, and highlighters in powder formulations, I realised that a good quality brush made ALL the difference.


See my beautiful daughter showing me how to do some Highlighting using Zoeva brushes and New Look Beauty Products

Amazingly beautiful make up brushes, built to last, super sturdy and secure, no fallout or shedding with weekly washes and daily uses, super soft but able to pick up any kind of product and apply flawlessly, Zoeva are an amazing range of brushes (a selection especially for eyes and shadows and eye products).  Now I’m going to purchase a multi brush set for face and eyes,  I love mine so much they are only for MY personal use!

I highly highly recommend these brushes. Indulge and receive this amazing brushes set by Zoeva and see how many of your higher end brushes it replaces. We spend SO much money on makeup but then skimp on the application. Zoeva changes ALL of that.


What’s YOUR favorite brand of makeup brushes? Do you even USE brushes? Have you found that a higher quality brush is worth the expense? Do you have any before and after shots of your makeup with different brushes? (I’d LOVE to see them!!!) Come share with me on Facebook  Twitter and Instagram. Let’s TALK about it!